WhatsApp templates are used to send outbound transactional messages to WhatsApp users that have opted-in to receiving your messages. Templates are the notification messages which contain information on delivery alerts, appointment reminders and etc. Just to let you know that all templates must be submitted to Twilio and ensure to gets it approved before it can be used.
Here's how you can submit the WhatsApp template message in Twilio.
1. Login to https://www.twilio.com/login.
2. Go to Programmable Messaging.
3. Then, click on WhatsApp Templates under Senders.
4. Click on the New message template to create one.
5. Fill up all the required information for the template creation.
a. Template name: Fill up your desired template name and ensure it should be with lowercase alphanumeric and underscores.
Examples: cst_template1, salescandy_whatsapptemplate, projecta123_template
b. Template category: Select the matching category for your template
c. Message language: Choose the language for the template.
d. Message body: Fill in the content of message that you want to send to the recipient.
e. Submit message template: Once all the information has been filled up, click on the 'submit message template'.
6. Once submitted you'll be directed to the main screen of WhatsApp Message Templates and you can observe the message template status in this screen. The template will be approved by WhatsApp within 48 hours.
7. After 48 hours, you'll be able to check the status of template in the WhatsApp Message Templates screen.
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