SalesCandy Manager Portal has many features that can help a Project Manager to supervise their sales team.
You can follow the guide below to find the important metrics in SalesCandy Manager Portal to measure and monitor your sales team performance;
✯ Daily Monitor & Check
1. Dashboard: When you successfully logged into SalesCandy Manager Portal you will find Dashboard in the sub-menu bar at the left. Click on the first item 'Dashboard'
2. Overview: On the top of the Dashboard screen, you can find 4 items of the accumulated number of leads for the projects you are managing.
a. Overdue assigned lead follow-up
These are leads that your salesperson has accepted, contacted, set the next date and time for the salesperson to contact the lead again but yet to follow up in a timely manner. This number should be low or 0 as the salesperson has to follow up with their leads diligently to increase the possibility of converting the lead to close sales.
This overdue status can be zerorised once the salesperson contacted the lead and updates to a new follow-up date. As a manager, you should advise and ensure your sales team follow up with their lead on the scheduled date and time. Most of our clients even enforced this policy for the salesperson to ensure the overdue lead follow-up is at 0.
✸ Scenario: Salesperson A accepted a lead name John on Monday and immediately called him. On the call, John informed the salesperson that he will meet him on Wednesday. Salesperson A updated the lead John action status under follow-up lead and scheduled the next follow-up to be on Wednesday at 8.00 am to remind John of the meetup.
On Wednesday at 8.00 am, a notification pop-up on Salesperson A's phone to follow up with John but the salesperson chooses to ignore it. Salesperson A did not follow up with the lead John accordingly and resulting in an Overdue lead follow-up.
b. Next follow-up date from last action more than 14 days
These are leads that your salesperson has accepted and schedule the next follow-up with the lead to a future date which is more than 14 days from their last contact date with the lead.
We would encourage the salesperson to set the follow-up date within 1 to 2 days from the last contacted date to keep the communication flows and to build rapport with the lead which results in a higher probability to convert the lead to a close deal.
c. Unassigned new leads
These are leads that are submitted by your client on your website/Facebook/registration form that has been integrated with SalesCandy and have yet to be routed to your sales team.
You must ensure that the unassigned leads should be at 0 during routing hours. Your sales team's mobile app status should be 'Available" at all times during routing hours to grab these hot unassigned new leads. Lead that is attended below 15 minutes after the submission has 14x more closing.
d. Pending first action on routed leads
These leads are routed and accepted by your salesperson but they are yet to make the first action to the lead. Our commitment is to route hot leads immediately to the available salesperson to result in immediate contact with the lead. Hence, this pending first action metric number needs to be low or 0 at all times. Any salesperson that contributed to the pending first action should prioritize those leads and ensure that the lead has been contacted accordingly.
3. Statistic by project
Click the link here to get to know the definition of each column in the statistic by project table.
These are the important columns that you should always keep an eye on;
✱ Available salesperson: All your salespersons should be available during routing hours as the salesperson can immediately attend to the accepted lead.
✱ Unassigned new leads: This number should be 0 during routing hours. If there are high amount of unassigned lead, you should check whether there is any salesperson available to attend the new leads.
✱ Current pending first action: This number should also always be 0 as the salesperson should perform action to the accepted lead immediately after accepting it.
✱ Overdue assigned lead follow-up: It is best to ensure this number is low or 0 as the salesperson has to diligently follow-up with the lead at the scheduled date and time.
✯ Weekly Monitor & Check
Every Friday, our Customer Success Team will send a weekly update on your account performance which includes;
✤ Number of generated leads
Total generated leads submitted by the leads on your website/Facebook/landing page that is integrated with SalesCandy
✤ Current Unassigned leads by project
✤ Current Pending First Action by project
✤ Current overdue follow up leads compared with last week by project
Take a look at the overview weekly summary that our Customer Success Team sends, update your sales team and ensure they clear the unassigned leads, pending first action and overdue follow up accordingly. Whilst for the number of generated leads, do get in touch with your Marketing Team to increase leads generation or boost ads to increase the number of generated leads.
✯ Monthly Monitor & Check
If you have a monthly performance review with your sales team you can use these 4 reports in SalesCandy.
1. Salesperson Action Report
Always check your salesperson's;
✧ Availability rate vs Accepted leads
Ideally the higher availability rate means that the salesperson is able to receive a higher number of leads and vice versa.
✧ Lead acceptance rate
Check if your salesperson is declining or missed any routed leads to them.
✧ Average first action
We highly advise the salesperson to attend to leads immediately once they accepted or any leads assigned to them. High duration of average first action showing salesperson are not attending leads immediately.
✧ Leads attended
Salesperson should always follow up with their leads that they have accepted. A high lead attended number means your salesperson is consistently following up with their existing accepted leads.
2. Lead Source Performance Report
✵ Always compare the number of leads created vs the number of leads won to figure out which lead source is contributing to a high conversion rate.
✵ You can also check which lead source is performing and not performing as to ensure you have a strategy on the non-performing lead source.
3. Project CPX Report
✵ This is an automated report that you can key in the amount of budget you have spent for the lead source to check if the amount spent is reasonable for the leads generated and the conversion it contributes.
4. Salesperson App Status Report
✵ This report you can actually use to check the salesperson's daily app status whether they are in available status or another status. You can double-check if the salespersons claims that they experiencing a 'Connecting' app status issue which results in them a lower availability rate. If this happens, please report to the SalesCandy Customer Success Team at and we will check and investigate further to help the salesperson improve their availability.
Hopefully, you will get a better overview with this guide to manage your project and teams!
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